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custom select dropdown options

Custom Select Dropdown Options Using jQuery and CSS | Option Group

How we can customize a select options dropdown using HTML, CSS, and JS? Solution: See this Custom Select Dropdown Options Using jQuery and CSS,...
css custom cursor

CSS Custom Cursor Pointers | HTML CSS Cursor Icon Change

How we can change the mouse cursor point using HTML & CSS? Solution: CSS Custom Cursor Pointers, HTML CSS Cursor Icon Change. I am sure...
javascript random gradient generator

JavaScript Random Gradient Generator | Auto Generate Gradients

How to generate Random Gradients Automatically? Yes, you can with JavaScript Random Gradient Generator Program. Previously I had shared random color generate in JavaScript, Today...
login and registration form with minimal design

Login and Registration Form With Minimal Design Using jQuery UI & CSS

How we can design a minimal form with login and register both sections? Solution: See this Login and Registration Form With Minimal Design Using...
css contact card ui design

CSS Contact Card UI Design With HTML | Profile Card For Website

How we can design a contact or profile card for a website? Solution: See this CSS Contact Card UI Design With HTML, Profile Card...
jquery hover carousel slider

jQuery Hover Carousel Slider With CSS | Slides With Mouse Direction

How we can create a carousel slider which slides on hover? Solution: See this jQuery Hover Carousel Slider With CSS, Slider Move According to...
html css pagination design

HTML CSS Pagination Design | Roundie Pagination UI

How we can create a cool pagination design using HTML and CSS? Solution: HTML CSS Pagination Design, Roundie Pagination UI. Mostly peoples who surf blogs...
css aspect ratio elements example

CSS Aspect Ratio Maintain Example | Flexible Box Units

How we can maintain the aspect ratio of any element using CSS? Solution: Check Out This CSS Aspect Ratio Maintain Example. In other words,...
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