javascript detect browser

How to detect browser using JavaScript? Here is the solution: JavaScript Detect Browser Program.

Mostly all websites we visit they know our info like Device, Country, Browser, Network Provider, etc. Even this website also use google analytics for visitors count and little information like country, time spent on this site. Big websites like Google, Facebook they track all your activity.

These types of a large platform, they have an expert developer team to create tracking program. They use very high-level programming to get user information. We will not create a tracking program, just today we will understand how the website detects with a very basic program.

Basically, Today I am sharing a Browser Detect Program using jQuery a JavaScript framework. This JavaScript Detect Browser Program detects which browser you using currently. This is a very simple program, always learn from scratch for being an expert. I created this program for detecting only 4 popular browser – Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla, Edge / Interner Explorer.

I used 4 browsers icons I had mentioned above. When you will run this program on your browser, then your browser icon will colorful and animate. In this time other browsers icons will black and white and static. Let’s take a preview of this program to get an idea of how this program actually is.

Preview Of Browser Detecting Program

First, see this preview to know how this program looks like. This is a video preview not live coding function.

Now you can see you this program look visually. First I run this on Chrome then I run on Edge you can see clearly on video. If you like this then go for source code.

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JavaScript Detect Browser Source Code

Before sharing source code, let’s talk about this program. As you know this is a browser detect program in javascript. I used jQuery to create this program that is a javascript library. This program is very basic, it has fewer lines of codes. I used the jQuery / JavaScript userAgent.match command for creating this feature.

You have to create 3 files for this program. One for HTML, One for CSS, and one for JavaScript. Follow the steps to create this without error.


Create an HTML file named ‘index.html‘ and put these codes given here below.


Now create a CSS file named ‘style.css‘ and put these codes.


The final step, Create a JavaScript file named ‘function.js‘  copy these codes and paste in your JS file.

That’s It. Now you have successfully created a JavaScript Browser Detect program. If you have any doubt or question comment down below.

Thanks For Visiting, Keep Visiting. 


  1. “Even this website also use google analytics for visitors count and little information like country, time spent on this site”

    … And yet you don’t ask for permission to gather this information from me? This is GDPR law for visitors from the EU. HOWEVER! Personally it’s refreshing to come cross a site without all the annoying nag screens. But thought I would point it out nonetheless.

  2. Is there a script to detect the browser and block the browser?
    Like that noone with an google chrome browser can visit my website?


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