Login System in PHP and MySQL | Complete Registration System
Login System in PHP and MySQL, Complete Registration System With Session: Everyday on the internet we see too many login forms. In other words,...
PHP Calculator Example With Source Code | Basic Calculator in PHP
How can we create a PHP Calculator? By very less coding & following some steps, we can create a basic calculator in PHP. This...
CRUD PHP MySQL Example and Source Code | With Ajax No Reloading
CRUD PHP MySQL: Today I am sharing how to create a CRUD database app with PHP & MySQL. First, You should know CRUD standard...
Upload Image In PHP With MySQL Database | Web Dev Trick
Upload Image In PHP, With MySQL Database: Nowadays we are on social networks, and we upload DP Stories etc. Ever wondered how this photo...
PHP Age Calculator Program | Calculate Age In PHP
How to create an Age Calculator? Today you will learn how to calculate age using PHP with PHP Age Calculator Program.
Calculate your or someone's...
Domain Availability Checker In PHP | Get Source Code
Domain Availability Checker In PHP: When we create a new website, we first get its domain name. Because taking the domain name is the...
Generate Random Numbers In PHP | Numbers In Sort By Order
I saw many guys in the different group who was asking for How To Generate Random Numbers In PHP? That's why today I will...