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javascript currency converter

JavaScript Currency Converter With API and CSS | Currency Calculator

How we can create a currency exchange calculator using HTML CSS JavaScript? Solution: See this JavaScript Currency Converter With API and CSS Styling, JS...
css budget slider

CSS Budget Slider With jQuery Range Slide | Price Range Select Slider

How we can create a price range slider or budget slider using HTML CSS JavaScript? Solution: See this CSS Budget Slider With jQuery Range...
css moving text mask

CSS Moving Text Mask With JavaScript | Text Mask Background

How we can create a moving text background using HTML CSS? Solution: See this CSS Moving Text Mask With JavaScript, Text Mask Background. Previously I...
pure css shimmer text effect

Pure CSS Shimmer Text Effect With Loop Moving | Text Shine Effect

How we can create a shine and shimmer effect for text using HTML and CSS? Solution: See this Pure CSS Shimmer Text Effect With...
css input focus placeholder effects

CSS Input Focus & Placeholder Effects | Custom Input Animations

How we can create different types of input focus and placeholder effects using HTML CSS? Solution: See this CSS Input Focus & Placeholder Effects,...
css wacom button hover effect

CSS Wacom Button Hover Effect | Text Slide Down On Hover

How we can create a text slide down effect button using HTML CSS? Solution: See this CSS Wacom Button Hover Effect, Text Slide Down...
css fixed social media sidebar

CSS Fixed Social Media Sidebar With Icons | HTML CSS Share Widget

How we can create a fixed social share widget using only HTML CSS? Solution: See this CSS Fixed Social Media Sidebar With Icons, HTML...
jquery hover carousel slider

jQuery Hover Carousel Slider With CSS | Slides With Mouse Direction

How we can create a carousel slider which slides on hover? Solution: See this jQuery Hover Carousel Slider With CSS, Slider Move According to...
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