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css text hover effect

CSS Text Hover Effect | Animation When Mouse Cursor on Over Text

CSS Text Hover Effect: using CSS, we can make lots of Amazing things like this hover effect. This effect is nothing, you can make...
custom select dropdown options

Custom Select Dropdown Options Using jQuery and CSS | Option Group

How we can customize a select options dropdown using HTML, CSS, and JS? Solution: See this Custom Select Dropdown Options Using jQuery and CSS,...
css custom cursor

CSS Custom Cursor Pointers | HTML CSS Cursor Icon Change

How we can change the mouse cursor point using HTML & CSS? Solution: CSS Custom Cursor Pointers, HTML CSS Cursor Icon Change. I am sure...
javascript random gradient generator

JavaScript Random Gradient Generator | Auto Generate Gradients

How to generate Random Gradients Automatically? Yes, you can with JavaScript Random Gradient Generator Program. Previously I had shared random color generate in JavaScript, Today...
login and registration form with minimal design

Login and Registration Form With Minimal Design Using jQuery UI & CSS

How we can design a minimal form with login and register both sections? Solution: See this Login and Registration Form With Minimal Design Using...
css contact card ui design

CSS Contact Card UI Design With HTML | Profile Card For Website

How we can design a contact or profile card for a website? Solution: See this CSS Contact Card UI Design With HTML, Profile Card...
jquery hover carousel slider

jQuery Hover Carousel Slider With CSS | Slides With Mouse Direction

How we can create a carousel slider which slides on hover? Solution: See this jQuery Hover Carousel Slider With CSS, Slider Move According to...
html css pagination design

HTML CSS Pagination Design | Roundie Pagination UI

How we can create a cool pagination design using HTML and CSS? Solution: HTML CSS Pagination Design, Roundie Pagination UI. Mostly peoples who surf blogs...
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