neumorphic tabs design with dark mode

How we can create a tabs program with nemorphism or soft UI design? Solution: See this Neumorphic Tabs Design With Dark Mode Switch, Neumorphism / Soft UI.

Previously I have shared some tabs programs, but this is a neumorphic tab with attractive UI design. Basically, Neumorphic UI designs pretend to extrude from the background. It’s a raised shape made from the exact same material as the background. It has light and dark shadow combinations to visualize differences from the background. And this is the new trend in web or UI design, it looks pretty and attractive.

Today you will learn to create Neumorphism or Soft UI based tabs program. Basically, there are tabs with 4 items ( navigation with content ) and the navigations are at the top and the content card is below the navigations.  Each item contains their own texts, when you will click on another tab item the text will change. Also, there is a dark and light mode toggle button to change the design to dark mode. These two types of design (light/dark) contains border and two types of shadows combination for neumorphic design.

So, Today I am sharing Neumorphic Tabs Design With Dark Mode Switch. The neumophic design is based on CSS and the dark mode switch is based on JavaScript. There I have not used any library for styling or functioning, like any JS library or CSS library. You can use this program on your website or web app because it looks good.

If you are thinking now how this unique tabs program actually is, then see the preview given below.

Preview Of Tabs with Neumorphism or Soft UI

See this video preview to getting an idea of how this tabs design looks like.

Live Demo

Now you can see this UI design visually, also you can see it live by pressing the button given above. If you like this, then get the source code of its.

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Neumorphic Tabs Design With Dark Mode Switch Source Code

Before sharing source code, let’s talk about it. First I have created the main div with class and ID name ‘container’ and placed all other elements inside it. Inside the main div, I have placed two divs sections, one for tab navigation and items, and another for dark mode switch. In the tabs navigation and text I have placed an ID and class names. Also in the HTML file, I have linked other files like CSS and JavaScript.

Now using CSS I have placed all the items in the right place, as you can see in the preview. There I have used background color and box-shadow combination to creating the neumorphic design. There CSS box-shadow: command is mostly used for creating the UI. This program is not fully responsive, but I have decreased the sizes of some elements to open is a small screen.

JavaScript handling here the toggle feature for dark and light mode in this program. JS adding and removing CSS class names according to actions for changing the style. There I have used addEventListener command to detect actions or changes and declared conditions. Left all other things you will understand easily after getting the codes, I can’t explain all in writing.

For creating this program, you have to create 3 files. First file for HTML, second for CSS, and the third file for JavaScript. Follow the steps to creating this without any error.


Create an HTML file named ‘index.html‘ and put these codes given below.


Now create a CSS file named ‘style.css‘ and put these codes given here.


The final step, create a JavaScript file named ‘function.js‘ and put the codes.

That’s It. Now you have successfully created Neumorphic Tabs Design With Dark Mode Switch, Neumorphism or Soft UI design. If you have any doubt or question comment down below.

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